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About Us


Greetings and a warm welcome to the About page of Recipe to Cook!


It is with great pleasure that I, Dony Garvasis, alongside my esteemed partner Deena David, extend our heartfelt greetings to all culinary enthusiasts who have stumbled upon our virtual culinary haven. Our journey in the world of gastronomy commenced with humble beginnings, fueled by a shared passion for exceptional cuisine and a desire to connect with fellow food aficionados globally.

Food blogger in india

Our food journey traces its roots back to our days at Union Christian College, Aluva, where serendipity brought us together through a shared love for food. Bonded by a mutual appreciation for culinary excellence, the seeds of a culinary dream were sown. It was during these formative years that we realized our shared aspiration to carve a niche in the vast realm of gastronomy.

Introducing our baby founder

On March 25, 2024, at 12:35 PM, we joyfully welcome Gayel Luca Dony into our lives. His arrival brings love, warmth, and endless possibilities. As we begin this journey of parenthood, our hearts are filled with excitement, anticipation, and boundless love for our precious son.


The inception of Recipe to Cook

In the year 2021, armed with unwavering determination and a burning desire to share our culinary creations with the world, we took a monumental step forward by acquiring the domain www.recipetocook.com. With our virtual abode established, we embarked on an exhilarating journey of culinary exploration and creativity. Through our meticulously crafted food blogs and culinary musings, we endeavored to captivate the taste buds and ignite the culinary imagination of our readers.

Simplifying the Culinary Experience

At Recipe to Cook, we believe the kitchen should welcome everyone. We aim to demystify cooking and make it accessible to all. With our recipes, articles, and tips, we empower readers to cook with confidence.

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Navigating the Culinary Landscape in India

As passionate advocates of Indian cuisine and fervent food enthusiasts, our platform serves as a beacon for culinary exploration and discovery. From unraveling the intricacies of regional delicacies to shedding light on the latest culinary trends sweeping the nation, we endeavor to provide our readers with a comprehensive culinary experience that celebrates the rich tapestry of Indian gastronomy.


Beyond Borders: A Global Gastronomic Odyssey

While our roots may be firmly planted in Indian soil, our culinary horizons extend far beyond geographical boundaries. With an insatiable appetite for culinary diversity, Recipe to Cook serves as a gateway to the global culinary landscape.

Our Passions Beyond the Plate

Our love for food is at the heart of Recipe to Cook, yet our passions extend far beyond the kitchen. We delight in exploring the world, immersing ourselves in diverse cultures and culinary traditions. Additionally, music holds a special place in our hearts. This passion inspired us to launch a YouTube channel initially named D on Demands, later changed to my name, Dony Garvasis [food blogger in India, whom you’re listening to], where we share our harmonious voices with the world.

Embracing Community and Connection

At Recipe to Cook, we firmly believe that food has the power to transcend cultural barriers and forge meaningful connections among individuals. Additionally, through our platform, we seek to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among culinary enthusiasts worldwide. We are united by a shared passion for gastronomy and a deep appreciation for the culinary arts.

Embracing Creativity and Collaboration

In our pursuit of culinary excellence, creativity serves as our guiding light, illuminating the path toward culinary innovation and experimentation. We wholeheartedly welcome collaboration and partnership, recognizing the invaluable contributions of fellow culinary enthusiasts and industry experts in enriching our culinary journey.

Bottom Line

We, one of the leading food blogger in India extend our heartfelt gratitude to every individual who has joined us on this gastronomic adventure. Join us, whether you’re a seasoned home cook or a culinary novice. Explore endless culinary possibilities with Recipe to Cook.

With warm regards and best wishes for many flavorful adventures ahead,

Happy Cooking!




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